Capa.City Game
The Capa.City Game is an exploratory game which supports collectives to structure collective actions to bring change to their everyday environments. The tool consists of five separate mini-games which guide a collective to strengthen its capacities to envision, evaluate and operationalize collective objectives for spatial transformation. By means of step by step guides and playing materials, each mini-game facilitates a particular phase in the development of an action for spatial transformation, namely, finding existing potential for change in the collective and its environment, developing a manifesto for change and an action plan to structure this potential; challenging them to develop a realistic and contextualize action for change; envisioning and developing coalitions to mobilize change in practice. A collective can play all, some or only one of the mini-games depending on its particular needs. The tool aims to provide a flexible framework for helping collectives to take part in the transformations happening in their everyday life to shape more sustainable urban futures together.
Would you like to play the game? Below you you can find the material for playing each mini-game.
At this link you can find the introductory booklet to the Capa.City game with a thorough explanation of how the game works and how: Game introduction
Mini-Game 1 Set the Scene
SET THE SCENE Mini-Game 1 facilitates collectives to find and/or articulate existing potentials, motivations and interests to bring change to their everyday environments which can become the starting point for formulating a collective action. The game supports players to concretely answer the following question: Where is the energy for changing? It triggers them to look into their everyday lives and environments to find situated stories which unveil existing potential for change and which can help them to articulate what they want to improve as a collective.
Download Mini-Game 1 here: Mini-Game 1
Mini-Game 2 Dream Big
DREAM BIG Mini-Game 2 is supports a collective that has already identified what it dreams to change. It tries to answer the question “What do we dream to achieve? How?” in depth. This mini-game supports a collective to articulate the core of the change it dreams of and to reflect about how this change could happen to support the structuring of its collective action.
Download Mini-Game 2 here: Mini-Game 2
Download Templates 1 and 2 here: Template 1-2_A4
Mini-Game 3 Challenge it
CHALLENGE IT Mini-Game 3 guides a collective that has already envisioned how they will bring change to their everyday environment to improve their collective action by contextualizing it in their everyday realm. It focuses on answering the question, “What can challenge and help our dream to come true?”. This mini-game supports the collective to engage with the potential opportunities and challenges that it might encounter when trying to realize the change it dreams about.
Download Mini-Game 3 here: Mini-Game 3
Download Templates 1 and 2 here: Template 1-2_A4
Mini-Game 4 Relate it
RELATE IT Mini-Game 4 guides a collective that has identified the need to develop and improve relations with other actors in order to realize its action plan to bring change to its everyday environment to improve it.
Download Mini-Game 4 here: Mini-Game 4
Download Templates 1 and 2 here: Template 1-2_A4
Mini-Game 5 Mobilize it
MOBILIZE IT Mini-Game 5 supports a collective that has already a “realistic” action plan with already identified possible coalitions to develop their collective action plan in practice by finding ways to communicate their collective action and involved others in it.
Download Mini-Game 5 here: Mini-Game 5
Download Template 3 here: Template 3_Poster version
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